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Newtownbutler Primary School, Newtownbutler, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh


2021/2022 School Year

5th May 2022
Eimear won 1st place in Ulster Primary Schools Under 12 table tennis competition....
30th Apr 2022
P6 and P7 did a great job tidying up around the school. Well done guys! 
30th Apr 2022
On Friday, the PSG came in to help P5-P7 paint our planters and garden seat. Did...
30th Apr 2022
We have started ‘The Tables Table’ challenge every Friday now. Here...
30th Apr 2022
Another week of fantastic achievers in  Newtownbutler PS. Well done you three! 
29th Apr 2022
P1-4 maths games today. Great fun had by all. 
29th Apr 2022
Reception - P2 enjoying the new baby clinic and making the most of the lovely weather...
27th Apr 2022
We had a great time listening for the sounds of traffic and guessing what was coming...
13th Apr 2022
This terms winning house enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt yesterday… and few Easter...
12th Apr 2022
P3/4 had great fun with Mrs Trimble making Easter key rings to put into the oven...