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Newtownbutler Primary School, Newtownbutler, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh

Road safety

3rd Jun 2020

Road safety activity - week one


Road Safety Education - Week 1 Task (Child Cycle Safety)

During the month of June, it is our aim to issue a weekly email for you to send on to the children in your school.  The email will set a task for the parent to work alongside their child/children and focus on a road safety theme with the aim that both will learn and put into practise.  This week, the theme is cycle helmets and the aim is that parents and children will check and adjust the cycle helmet to ensure it does its job in the event of a fall or collision.  Too many children (and adults) are currently cycling either without a cycle helmet or with one that is not fit for purpose i.e. to protect the head.  Simple adjustments could be the difference between a slight injury becoming much more serious!   and add the attachment.  This task is applicable for all primary year groups.


Please take part and send us your photos in class do jo or seesaw

Road safety (3rd Jun 2020) View download document